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Monday, 15 February 2016

Filtering App in Google play.

There are so many feature consider while searching application in Google play. here i have find some importants feature which is most used in Application development. Hop this will help you Thanks.
Filtering based on explicit features
·         If a feature is explicitly declared as being required, Google Play adds the feature to the list of required features for the application. It then filters the application from users on devices that do not provide that feature. For example:
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera"android:required="true" />
·         If a feature is explicitly declared as not being required, Google Play does not add the feature to the list of required features. For that reason, an explicitly declared non-required feature is never considered when filtering the application. Even if the device does not provide the declared feature, Google Play will still consider the application compatible with the device and will show it to the user, unless other filtering rules apply. For example:
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera"android:required="false" />
·         If a feature is explicitly declared, but without an android:required attribute, Google Play assumes that the feature is required and sets up filtering on it.
In general, if your application is designed to run on Android 1.6 and earlier versions, the android:requiredattribute is not available in the API and Google Play assumes that any and all <uses-feature> declarations are required.
Note: By declaring a feature explicitly and including an android:required="false" attribute, you can effectively disable all filtering on Google Play for the specified feature.

Filtering based on implicit features
An implicit feature is one that an application requires in order to function properly, but which is not declared in a<uses-feature> element in the manifest file. Strictly speaking, every application should always declare all features that it uses or requires, so the absence of a declaration for a feature used by an application should be considered an error. However, as a safeguard for users and developers, Google Play looks for implicit features in each application and sets up filters for those features, just as it would do for an explicitly declared feature.
An application might require a feature but not declare it because:
·         The application was compiled against an older version of the Android library (Android 1.5 or earlier) and the<uses-feature> element was not available.
·         The developer incorrectly assumed that the feature would be present on all devices and a declaration was unnecessary.
·         The developer omitted the feature declaration accidentally.
·         The developer declared the feature explicitly, but the declaration was not valid. For example, a spelling error in the <uses-feature> element name or an unrecognized string value for the android:name attribute would invalidate the feature declaration.
To account for the cases above, Google Play attempts to discover an application's implied feature requirements by examining other elements declared in the manifest file, specifically, <uses-permission> elements.
If an application requests hardware-related permissions, Google Play assumes that the application uses the underlying hardware features and therefore requires those features, even though there might be no corresponding to <uses-feature> declarations. For such permissions, Google Play adds the underlying hardware features to the metadata that it stores for the application and sets up filters for them.
For example, if an application requests the CAMERA permission but does not declare a <uses-feature> element for android.hardware.camera, Google Play considers that the application requires a camera and should not be shown to users whose devices do not offer a camera.
If you don't want Google Play to filter based on a specific implied feature, you can disable that behavior. To do so, declare the feature explicitly in a <uses-feature> element and include an android:required="false"attribute. For example, to disable filtering derived from the CAMERA permission, you would declare the feature as shown below.
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera"android:required="false" />

Create app for headset and tablet filter visit

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